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SolidWorks Online Training Manual - Frequently asked questions

FAQ's Desktop Viewer Web Viewer
Can you download the manual? Yes, a secure eBook file is required. No, the eBook is available online with nothing to install or download locally.
What platforms are supported? PLATFORM: Windows 10 & above | Mac OSX 10.8 (64 bit) & above Minimum Browser Verisons Supported:
WindowsMicrosoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, Chrome 37, Firefox 32
MacSafari 6.1.6,Chrome 37,Firefox 32
What mobile devices are supported Mobile - iOS 9.1 & above | Android 5.0 & above Minimum Browser Verisons Supported:
iOSSafari 7,Chrome 37
AndroidChrome 37, Firefox 32
Can content be viewed when not connected to internet (airplane mode)? You must have a valid internet connection when you open the secure eBook so the license server can validate your access. Once open, you can view the secure eBook offline. A valid internet connection is required for the duration you are viewing the eBook.
Can the book content be printed? No. No.
Can I add annotations or markups? Yes. No.
Do I need to install software on my computer? Yes. You must install the standalone viewer on your computer, tablet, or mobile device. Select your operating system below and follow the instructions to install the standalone viewer.
How many devices are allowed for each eBook? Each eBook can be used on up to 3 devices Each user account can only log in to access their eBooks from one device at a time.
Are legacy eBooks available? Only eBooks published in the last 4 years are available. Only 2024 eBooks and later are available.


Best Regards,

The SolidWorks Training Team

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